Date(s) - September 12, 2015
12:00 am
Younique Yoga Allenhurst
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- Younique Yoga Allenhurst:
Kid’s Yoga: Saturdays 4:30pm-5:15pm(kids & teens of all ages and all abilities)
$125 for an 8 week class session from Sept 12- Oct 31
Family Flow Yoga: Saturdays 5:30pm-6:15pm (ages 5 and up)
$225 for an 8 week class session (includes 1 child, 1 adult) from Sept 12-Oct 31
Karma Yoga: Saturdays 6:30pm-7:45pm (Adults only) ($5 suggested love offering)
Glow-ga: Monthly on Friday evenings (ALL ages & ALL abilities) (Glow-ga FALL dates are: 9/18, 10/16, 11/13 and $15 per person)
Class Descriptions
KID’s YOGABILITIES: Kid’s Yogabilities classes are for children of all ages and all abilities! Through positive affirmations and core strengthening exercises, students will enhance their concentration and coordination skills, sensory processing and integration. Students will engage in balancing exercises through games, support self regulating abilities, and engage children in breathing/meditation exercises for relaxation. Students will learn to incorporate yoga on and off their mats to bring it into their everyday life!
MOMMY & ME and FAMILY FLOW classes bring families closer together! These classes empower the mind, body and breath connection to maintain a healthy well-being. Get inspired to reach your full potential both on and off the mat! Come play and release your creativity on the mat for a fun practice that includes asana (yoga poses), yoga games, singing, dancing, meditative arts and crafts and more!
KARMA YOGA: Donation based yoga class! Each month the class will benefit a local non-profit organization. Karma yoga is the Yoga of Service. Give to yourself while giving to others! Put your yoga in action and help local non-profits this summer!
Glow in the Dark Yoga! Turn off the lights and turn up the fun!
Calling children,teens & adults of all ages and all abilities for a yoga practice of GLOWING and FLOWING! Let your inner light glow thru a fun practice of asana (yoga poses), singing, dancing, meditative arts & craft and more! Light up your life and get your Glow On! 3rd Friday of the Month at Younique Yoga Allenhurst!