Everyday is Earth Day when you practice Kindfulness! Treating the Earth with respect and compassion to all living beings and nature is called, “AHIMSA” in the Yoga Language of Sanskrit. “AHIMSA” is “Non Violence” which is LOVE! Ahimsa starts from within. Treating YOURself with loving thoughts and actions, and then sharing it with others, including Mama Earth.
Rainbows are beautiful reminders of our own inner shine and strength. Rainbows appear after a storm. Our current Pandemic may feel like a Storm. One way to stay grounded and connected in the storm without feeling washed away, is to connect your inner Rainbow Super Powers, known as the “CHAKRAS”. The word “Chakra” translates to “Energy Wheel” in Sanskrit. As humans, we are ENERGY! We share our energy through our actions, words, and smiles. The 7 Main Chakra wheels, are connected to the colors of the Rainbow! Each Chakra is connected to a color, sound, mantra, mudra (hand yoga) and pose! Maintaining balance in our Chakras can help reduce stress and anxiety during this Pandemic. Try these Mindfulness/SEL/Yoga activities to honor your connection with the Earth on this Earth Day!
Chakra Singing Bowl Mindful Listening Meditation with Miss Amy
Bhakti Yoga Chakra Meditation with Miss Amy
Earth Day Reading: “Seven Spirals: A Chakra Sutra for Kids” By: Aimee MacDonald and Deena Hailben
Inhale (Breathing In) the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet
Exhale (Breathing out) the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet
Continue to repeat the inhaling and exhaling. Optional to focus on ONE color or ALL colors! You can also inhale for 2 breaths, hold for 5 breaths, and exhale for 2 breaths. Visualize a beautiful rainbow in your mind as your practice this Mindful Breathing Exercise!
Earth Day Positive Power Mantra:
Sanskrit: “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”
English: “May ALL beings be HAPPY and FREE”
1st: Root Chakra: Color: Red, Sound: LAM, Mantra: “I AM SAFE”
2nd: Sacral Chakra: Color: Orange, Sound: VAM, Mantra: “I AM CREATIVE”
3rd: Solar Plexus Chakra: Color: Yellow, Sound: RAM, Mantra, “I AM STRONG”
4th: Heart Chakra: Color: Green, Sound: YAM, Mantra: “I AM LOVE”
5th Throat Chakra: Color: Blue, Sound HAM, Mantra: “I AM TRUTH”
6th 3rd Eye Chakra: Color: Indigo, Sound AUM, Mantra: “I AM CONNECTED”
7th: Crown Chakra: Color: Violet, Sound AUM, Mantra “I AM BLISS”
For more information on Chakras, check out these great resources:
The Mudra Flash Cards are from the “Mudras for Awakening the Energy Body” They are a WONDERFUL resource for Mudras and Chakras!
Remember to take a Brain Break at least every hour or as often as needed! Wash your hands, drink lots of water, move your body! In yoga, we practice “Saucha” which means cleanliness: Cleanliness with our body, as well as our thoughts! Limit exposure to the Media & Social Media for current events. This becomes a mindfulness practice of Self Awareness.